Auto Insurance Claims

7 Dangerous Auto Claim Mindsets You Must Avoid

2022-04-20T13:37:10-07:00Categories: Auto Accidents|Tags: , |

I often notice my clients falling into mindsets which could significantly jeopardize their personal injury claims.  Keep reading to learn about the: “I’m Sore; I Just Need Some Rest” Many accident victims, and/or their doctors, will take up a position following an accident that no treatment or further treatment is necessary, and rest and ibuprofen will do the trick.  Unfortunately, months later, when the victim has failed seek medical treatment on a timely basis and finds out that he needs a lot of it, the insurance company won’t pay.   Don’t let this happen to you.  Obtain thorough and timely [...]

7 Rights You Must Know When You Deal With The Insurance Company

2022-04-20T13:37:11-07:00Categories: General|Tags: |

YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO TAKE YOUR TIME. One thing I hear from a lot of clients is how uncomfortable they were with the insurance company rushing them to settle the claim. The insurance company would like to settle the claim in a hurry. First, that is one more file off of the adjuster’s desk. Second, the longer a claim continues, the more it will tend to cost the insurance company. It is imperative for claimants to stop, think and wait until their claim is ready to be settled before it is time. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO CLAIM YOUR [...]

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